Don't laugh....
I am trying to set up a backup schedule for a Netware server.  I will be
backing up approx 500 Gig once a week.
Why 500 gig? Our lotus notes storage is out of control.  As a fix (yea
right) the notes admins are going to make
everyone do local archives of their mail to their share drive.  Yes.. there
moving the problem from one platform to
another. Brilliant minds.  Regardless.. I have to back this server up once
a week.. I want to create multiple backup
scheduled sessions each with separate option files.  For example: optfile 1
: incl [a-p].nsf  excl *.nsf  and optfile2 :
incl [q-z].nsf excl *.nsf..   This way I can hopefully make my backup
window.. I will probably set up 6 schedules.  So
my question is how can I use the TSM Server scheduler to start multiple
scheduled operations each looking at different
option files ( or different inclexcludes).  I may even spread the backup
across 2 TSM servers.
Any feedback would be much appreciated..

Denis L'Huiller

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