I wrote in a few days ago with a query about upgrading from ADSM v3.1
(AIX) to TSM 4.1.3 (Solaris) and whether or not I had to use LOADDB.  As
it turns out, I did *not* have to use LOADDB.  All fears of platform and
version incompatibilities turned out to be baseless (in this case).
Here's the upgrade procedure that proved successful:

Flush all your disk pools to tape.  You can transfer them between a 3.1
and 4.1 server but I found flushing easier than heaving around gigantic

Old:ADSM> backup db type=full <..etc..>
New:# dsmserv loadformat <..etc..>
New:# dsmserv restore db commit=yes <..etc..>
New:# dsmserv upgradedb
        (This will start the server, so halt it as soon as it comes up)
New:# dsmserv auditdb fix=yes

The auditdb was the longest part and it took a paltry ~15 hours for an
11GB database.  Paltry compared to a 60+ hour LOADDB, that is.

Everything came back up like a charm.  The actual device paths of the tape
drives had to be changed and disk pools recreated but that was it for the
post-op.  Another full database backup and we were back on track.

And I owe it all to Tivoli's ..ahem.. "unparalleled" documentation.  Sigh.

Robert Kennedy
University of Texas at Austin
ITS UNIX Services

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