This is where you might want to create an administrative id of "queryid" (or
something similar) with no authority, this will allow it to perform queries
and you won't have to worry about an id being in scripts with its password.

OK, I'll assume you have a Unix box somewhere that has access to the tsm

dsmadmc -id=queryid -pass=querypass query actlog begindate=today-1
begintime=20:00 enddate=today endtime=now search=ANE4961I originator=client

one can also pipe the information into mail... say to send misc info to
dsmadmc -id=queryid -pass=querypass q db f=d | mail -s db_info

I can't really share many specifics because of the legality issues of
working for a private company but believe me, you can do a whole lot with
simple little shell scripts... and if you use the output of a "date" command
to say pull in the name of the day of the week... you can have info saved in
files for a weeks worth of time and automatically over write it (weekly)
ie. blah > $(date +%A%I%p)
puts the info into a file named Thursday09AM (or what ever hour it happens
to be) kind of a good way to dump volhist into to a remote box somewhere...

the getting it into a spread sheet would probably be a manual operation
unless you did some web application to pull the info from the output file
and list it in some tabular fashion.

hope this helps...

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Levitan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 7:37 AM
Subject: scripting client's data???

Hi All-

Every morning I check the activity log with the following query:

query actlog begindate=today-1 begintime=20:00 enddate=today endtime=now
search=ANE4961I originator=client

This tells me total number of bytes transferred from each client the
previous night.

QUESTION:  How can I create a script to automate this?  I would like to
keep this data in a spread sheet for trending purposes.
Has anyone successfully done this?

Marc Levitan

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