I have a volume that apparently has 0 bytes used that I can't seem to reuse.
Space reclamation is putting this in the activity log once an hour:

07/09/2001 13:15:55  ANR0984I Process 853 for SPACE RECLAMATION started in
                      BACKGROUND at 13:15:55.

07/09/2001 13:15:55  ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume 700232,

                      storage pool UNIX_TAPEPOOL (process number 853).

07/09/2001 13:15:55  ANR1044I Removable volume 700232 is required for space


07/09/2001 13:15:55  ANR8324I DLT volume 700232 is expected to be mounted


07/09/2001 13:15:55  ANR0985I Process 853 for SPACE RECLAMATION running in
                      BACKGROUND completed with completion state SUCCESS at


07/09/2001 13:15:55  ANR1041I Space reclamation ended for volume 700232.

07/09/2001 13:15:56  ANR9999D afmigr.c(2619): Reconstruction of aggregates
                      disabled. Run audit reclaim utilities to re-enable

                      reconstruction of aggregates.

07/09/2001 13:15:56  ANR9999D afmigr.c(2787): Error deleting transaction for
                      bytes moved reclamation - volume 700232.

Move data says there is nothing to move and quits:

ANS8000I Server command: 'move data 700232'
ANR2209W Volume 700232 contains no data.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

ANS8002I Highest return code was 11.

I tried just deleting the volume. The control session says:

ANS8000I Server command: 'delete vol 700232 discard=yes'
ANS8001I Return code 13.

ANS8002I Highest return code was 13.

While the activity log says:

ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: DELETE VOLUME 700232
ANR2406E DELETE VOLUME: Volume 700232 still contains data.
ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: ROLLBACK

Huh? I thought "discard=yes" deleted the volume regardless of what data it
may contain!?

Besides, query volume shows it empty:

ANS8000I Server command: 'query vol 700232 f=d'

                   Volume Name: 700232
             Storage Pool Name: UNIX_TAPEPOOL
             Device Class Name: 9710DEV
       Estimated Capacity (MB): 67,941.2
                      Pct Util: 0.0
                 Volume Status: Full
                        Access: Read/Write
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 100.0
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 18
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 04/23/2001 05:49:50
        Approx. Date Last Read: 06/19/2001 04:15:16
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
Last Update by (administrator):
         Last Update Date/Time: 04/19/2001 05:33:19

ANS8002I Highest return code was 0.

I'm down to just checking the tape out of the library and leaving it on the
shelf until the volhist expires. Any other suggestions?

Environment is ADSM Server Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.20 running on AIX (I know, but first I've got to get the money to buy a box that will
accept AIX 4.3.x then I can upgrade to a recent TSM. The boss says Real Soon


"True leadership is the art of changing a group from what it is to what it
ought to be." -- Virginia Allan

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