I am running TSM 4.1.3 server on a Win2000 machine.  That machine is
connected to an IBM3494
tape library over ethernet.  The 3494 contains three fibre attached 3590E1A drives 
that talk to the TSM
server over an IBM 6109 SAN switch.  I have added thirty tapes to the ATL that are the 
new "J" tapes and
am having trouble when checking them in.  Sometimes the checkin process works just 
fine and sometimes it
abends with an error.  When this error occurs, the TSM service stops and I have to log 
onto the server to restart
the service.  The error is not consistent, it is not tape specific or drive specific.  
I was running 4.1.2 but upgraded to
try and resolve this issue....that did not work.  Has anyone seen this error before?  
Can anyone offer some suggestions?

ANR2017I Administrator ROBS issued command: CHECKIN libvol
                       ffatl04 003039 stat=pri devtype=3590
07/11/2001 12:50:26   ANR0984I Process 4 for CHECKIN LIBVOLUME started in the
                       BACKGROUND at 12:50:26.
07/11/2001 12:50:26   ANR8422I CHECKIN LIBVOLUME: Operation for library FFATL04
                       started as process 4.
07/11/2001 12:50:26   ANR0609I CHECKIN LIBVOLUME started as process 4.
07/11/2001 12:50:26   ANR8319I 003: Insert  volume 003039 R/W into library
                       FFATL04 within 60 minute(s).
07/11/2001 12:50:41   ANR8301E I/O error on library FFATL04 (OP=045C6D37,
                       SENSE=N/A, CC=00000023).


Rob Schroeder
Famous Footwear

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