Hi to all,

The long story:

We are running a rather old ADSM server version : and we will
upgrade to 4.? in august. With the version we are running now, I have
problems related to the default preemption strategy. In gernal I think it
is a good thing, but we have one special application where the Preemption
priority is "wrong". This is running an SAP Archive ( Archive of scanned
documents and generated lists ) via the CommonStore-Content Manager for R3
SW. Here - in real life - the process af bringing a document into the
Archive ( adsm operation: archive ) HAS AN HIGHER priority then viewing
those archived documents ( adsm operation: retrieve ). As the data is
stored on opticals ( permanent worms ) and never expires - it happens  that
a read-the-data process preempts a write-new-data process.
(there are a lot of stg pools - with only 1 writeable volume in it - reason
: be able to check the opticals out of the library based on an
document-type & time-based strategy ). So its not possible for me to define
more than one volume for writing within one stg pools - otherwise I would
run out of slots within the library.

The problem:

As far as I know in V Preemption can only be disabled with
server-wide scope.

The short question:

Can in TSM V4.? preemption be defined on an TSM object with smaler scope (
mgmt class, stg pool, ....) ?

Thanks for you patience



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