I have a mismatch between the quantity of data being backed up overnight
(according to the accounting log) and the amount of data within my disk
storage pool in the morning.
My accounting log says I've backed up 360 GB. The activity log confirms
this (adding up entries like this one).
07/19/01   07:14:19  ANE4961I (Session: 6469, Node: NSYDMN10)  Total number
of bytes transferred:    61.32 GB

The entries all add up to 370 GB of data apparently transferred.

The storage pool was empty before the backups started, did not migrate
during the night, has a maximum size threshold of 'no limit', and indeed
there were no tape mounts over night. There are no copygroups with a tape
pool destination. However, the storage pool is only 215 GB in total, and
was only 75% full once the backups had finished.

The clients do not compress their data, not that that should make any

I'd appreciate any ideas to help explain what's going on.

(Software levels: TSM Server 3.7.4, clients at 3.1 and 4.1)

Thanks for any suggestions.


Eric Winters

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