
        I have been administering TSM for three months now.  The previous
administrator is my manager so I have had someone on hand to answer my
questions.  I feel I have a learned a lot with the "sink or swim" method and
subscribing to this mail list has helped also.  I first learned about the
clients and how they worked, then scheduling, and then moved onto things
like the DB, log, diskpools and tapepools etc...  My opinion is that if you
are not familiar with the material you won't get much from formal training.
I've done ok learning it one layer at a time and reading the Administrator's

Jon Martin

-----Original Message-----
From: Francisco Reyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 10:07 AM
Subject: Teaching others TSM

What is the best way to teach someone how to use TSM?
When I learnt it some time back it took me 3 months of setting up the
server and clients and just trying different things to get all the

When I came back to the company after 2 years I found the setup was in
fairly bad shape even though of the two people that maintained it while I
was gone one went to training.

I think hand's on is the best training, but I don't think the two people I
need to train can be made available full time just to learn TSM.

What is the general consensus about the classes? Do they truly help new

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