Hello, I have been experiencing a couple problems with our Novell clients
that I'm wondering if you experts can help me with. First, my environment is
Server: OS/390, Novell v4.2 and Novell Client

Problem number one deals with the schedule log. DSMC SCHED is constantly
getting locked out of its log file (DSMSCHED.LOG). The file is locked and
DSMC is unable to write to it. The error received is:

ANS0118C LogSchedMsg: Unable to open schedule log file '(path and name of
file)' for output.

Quitting the scheduling service then restarting it cures the problem but
only for a while. Eventually on ALL of our Novell servers the schedule log
file gets locked and the above error is displayed on the console.

The second problem is in reference to DSMC SCHED not releasing all resources
when the NLM is quit. The following error messages are displayed:

Threads-4.11-076 DSMC.NLM filed to close handle 18.
Contact the supplier of the NLM.
Threads-4.11-076 DSMC.NLM filed to close handle 19.
Contact the supplier of the NLM.

08-01-01 9:26.52 am:  SERVER-04.11.2715
   Module did not release 480 resources
   Module: Tivoli Distributed Storage Manager
   Resource: Small Memory Allocations
   Description: Alloc Memory (Bytes)

Can anyone offer any advice on a possible cure for these problems?

    Thank you!
    Alan Davenport
    Selective Insurance

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