Aggregate uses wall-clock time;
Network uses the intervals between when the client says "I'm sending data
now", to when the server actually receives it.
It's perfectly normal to have aggregate be a lot slower than network.
If you really want to speed up your backups, you need to
look at the accounting log records (.../server/bin/dsmaccnt.log - see admin
guide for layout)
to see which of your clients suffer most from idle wait, media wait, or comm
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Bill Wheeler
> Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 9:55 AM
> Subject: Transfer Rate
> Hello All,
> I hope a few of the *SMer guru can help me out on this one. I don't
> know if you have had a problem like this before. The problem is our
> Aggregate Transfer Rate is allot lower then the Network Transfer
> Rate. Is
> there something that I can look at to see if I can get the data moved
> quicker? Here is a copy of the Activity log with the rates:
> ANE4961I (Session: 4532, Node: F50_CLIENT) Total number
> of bytes transferred: 69.33 GB 07/31/01 06:51:30
> ANE4963I (Session: 4532, Node: F50_CLIENT) Data transfer
> time: 11,858.22 sec 07/31/01 06:51:30
> ANE4966I (Session: 4532, Node: F50_CLIENT) Network data
> transfer rate: 6,130.86 KB/sec 07/31/01 06:51:30
> ANE4967I (Session: 4532, Node: F50_CLIENT) Aggregate data
> transfer rate: 2,462.14 KB/sec 07/31/01 06:51:30
> ANE4968I (Session: 4532, Node: F50_CLIENT) Objects
> compressed by: 0% 07/31/01 06:51:30
> ANE4964I (Session: 4532, Node: F50_CLIENT) Elapsed
> processing time: 08:12:07
> Any advice would be helpful.
> Thanks in advance,
> Bill Wheeler
> AIX Administrator
> La-Z-Boy Incorporated