Big Brother tells me that <James> <healy> wrote:
> I just noticed something peculiar with the way reclamation works or doesn't
> work.
> With an administrative schedule I set a reclamation threshold for one of my
> tape pools low so reclamation begins at 11:30 (upd stg nttapeco rec=65)
> Then at 14:30 I set the reclamation threshold back to 100 so reclamation
> should stop right (upd stg nttapeco rec=100) Wrong.
> Reclamation continues to run until 02:30 the next am.
> I thought that TSM would recognize the change in threshold and maybe stop
> reclamation processing after its finished the current tape but it doesn't.
>  It looks like it continues until all tapes in the pool are reclaimed?
> How should it work?

    This is exactly how reclamation should work.  The high mig parameter
only controls when migration _starts_.  If you set it to 0, and then
return it to 100, migration will begin between the two commands.
    The low mig parameter controls when migration ends.  To do what you
want, you need to drop highmig to 0, and then back to 100 to start
migration.  Then, when it is time to stop, set lowmig to 100 and then back
to 0.
    I am not certain that the latter will work, as the migration process
may read the lowmig value at start time and then never again.  You are
probably better off using CANCEL PROCESS to end migration.

"Charlie, here comes the deuce; and when     Jack McKinney
   you speak of me, speak well."             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       -Crash Davis, Bull Durham   
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