do a "q logvol" to see the size of the two little logs you want to remove
then do a "reduce log ####" where #### is the size (in MB) of the log files
you want to remove
then do a "del logvol blah"
so, roughly speaking, to delete a log (or dbvol) you have to have that
amount of space listed under the "Maximum Extension (MB)" column of a query.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Davenport [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 8:12 AM
Subject: Deleting log volumes

Hello fellow *SM'ers! I've discovered that in the past two small log volumes
were defined to the same DASD volumes as DB volumes. Since this is not
recommended due to performance considerations I'm trying to get rid of these
log volumes however I've been unable to do so.

I'm running TSM on OS/390. I've been issuing "DELETE LOGVOLUME
ADSM.RCVLOG4" but I've received the following error:

ANR2445E DELETE LOGVOLUME: Insufficient space on other recovery log volumes
to delete volume ADSM.RCVLOG4.

My log is in normal mode. As you can see from the log display below, the log
is at 0.0% utilization at this point in time and I have a 3 gig log defined.
The log volumes I'm trying to delete is only 140 MB is size so that above
error makes no sense.

Available     Assigned       Maximum       Maximum        Page         Total
    Space     Capacity     Extension     Reduction        Size        Usable
     (MB)         (MB)          (MB)          (MB)     (bytes)         Pages
---------     --------     ---------     ---------     -------     ---------
    3,008        3,008             0         3,004       4,096       769,536

     Used       Pct      Max.
---------     -----     -----
      112       0.0       1.7

Does anyone have any advice to offer to help me get rid of these two log

Alan Davenport
Selective Insurance

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