I have two storage pools: a small disk cache (just enough to hold almost
two tapes worth), and a tape pool with a single drive.
    I have set the disk cache highmig so that it will begin migration
when the diskcache has more than one tape's worth of data, so that
migration will write an entire tape whenever it occurs.
    However, I want migration to stop right there.  I can specify when
migration should stop with a lowmig on the diskcache, but this might
be more or less than one tape (one never knows exactly how much a given
tape will hold).  I'd like migration to end when it reaches the end of
a tape.  Is there some way to do this?

"There is no parameter that makes it impossible        Jack McKinney
     for you to perform still more excellently."       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   -Mario Cuomo, on the lack of a clock in baseball    http://www.lorentz.com
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