We created a separate management class for the DB backups and made the
versioning 1, 0  for existing and deleted versions...
We then have the DBA's imbed a delete backup for anything older than the
time span they wish to keep.... in the scripts they use to run the api

Robert Burton
Open System Storage Analyst
Royal Bank of Canada
315 Front St West
Toronto, On, M5V 3A4

-----Original Message-----
From: Eduardo Martinez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 6:39 PM
Subject: Expiring DB2 backups

Hi *SMers.

As you know, when you backup DB2 it stamps an unique id to its backup,
making it an active version forever, then you can't expire that backup.
Does anyone know how to expire this kind of backups?
Thanks in advance.

"Do or Do Not, there is no try"
-Yoda. The Empire Strikes Back

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