Hi *TSM'ers !

Like lots of TSM administrators backing up informix DB's thru onbar
utility, I'm facing an expiration problem for the logical logs created
in my storage pools (each log has an unique identifier, what disables
TSM expiration capability). I therefore was looking for a solution to
get a rid of this garbage polluting my nice sytem, when I found in this
mail group what seems to be an excellent utility written in C : expire.c
I tried to install it on one of our nodes backing up an informix db, but
got some problems having it working properly. Something must be wrong in
my parametering, because I always get the same error return code : "***
BSAInit failed: (12) An entry in the environment structure is invalid".
Here is a short description of all my configuration and the commands I
used :

pg /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/dsm.sys 


SErvername              adsm-pac
COMMmethod              TCPip
TCPPort                 1500
TCPServeraddress        pacrs190
TXNBytelimit            25600
TCPBUFFSIZE             32
TCPnodelay              NO
TCPWINDOWSIZE           63
SCHEDLOGName            /usr/tivoli/logs/dsmsched.log-pacrs170
SCHEDlogretention       3,d
ERRORLOGNAME            /usr/tivoli/logs/dsmsched.err-pacrs170
ERRORLOGRET             3,d
nodename                pacrs170

pg /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/dsm.opt 


* SErvername       A server name defined in the dsm.sys file
Servername     adsm-pac


./expire /pacrs170_ol1 /pacrs170_ol1/1/155288
argc:3, argv[1]:/pacrs170_ol1, argv[2]:/pacrs170_ol1/1/155288:

API Library Version = 4.1.2

Application Version = 4.1.2
*** BSAInit failed: (12) An entry in the environment structure is

Is there something missing in my config files, or do I have to create
another environment variable ? No idea at all, and my knowledge in C
programing is really weaky : any help would be welcomed...

| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group     |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerland |
| Phone: +41 61 226 19 78    /    Fax: +41 61 226 17 01 |     

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