Hello fellow *SMers! I'm thinking of redoing how our backup pool
migration/tape copies process is done to increase efficiency. We are
currently processing this way:

Backuppool (disk) migration to primary onsite tape pool (3490).
Tapepool (onsite) copy backed up to vault (offsite) tape copy pool.

What I would like to do is this:

Backup disk pool to vault tape (offsite) copy.
Migrate disk to tape (primary onsite) copy.
Backup primary tape pool to offsite pool to catch any migration etc. that
may have occurred during the last 24 hours.

My concern is this. I do not want to back up the data TWICE from the disk
pool to the offsite pool. (Once from disk to offsite pool and again from
onsite tape pool to offsite tape pool.) That is, is *SM smart enough to know
that the data that was backed up to the vault (offsite) pool prior to
migration has already been backed up and will not back it up again from the
onsite tape pool to the offsite pool when the "BACKUP STG TAPEPOOL COPYPOOL"
command is executed?

My environment is TSM on OS390 with 24 3490 tape drives.

Thanks for listening!

Alan Davenport
Selective Insurance

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