Hi Walter,

I solved the problem, but it wasn't an SQL TDP problem it was a bad Ethernet card.
On my campus I have to communication segment own for the production and own for the
TSM backups.
When i tried to make backup throw the backup segment ( 192.X.X.X ) I gut TCP/IP
connection failure.
but if I did the backup throw the production (172.X.X.X) segment The backup was
completed successfully.
so I have replaced the Ethernet Card( 192.X.X.X ) on the client box and the problems
was solved.

to convinced the network guys that the problem was on the network by creating a 1GB
file and ftp
that file to the TSM from the SQL server. the ftp was unsuccessful.( connection was
closed after 100MB ).

By the way there ware no massage in the system event viewer regarding com or
tcpip/ip error.
but my gus was good the com interface was bad.

Ofer Ccc.

Walter Ridderhof wrote:

> Ofer,
> is your TCP/IP failure problem solved, if so I'd like to know how it was solved.
> We're experiencing the same problem only not on MS SQL but on MS Exchange, the
> error messages are different but I would guess the source of it all will be the
> same.
> What we can see is that that Exchange client is trying to send a verb as part of
> its protocol but can't get it completed for some reason, the dsm error log will
> show messages like the ones below,
> 21-08-2001 14:47:46 TcpFlush: Error 10054 sending data on Tcp/Ip socket 592.
> 21-08-2001 14:47:46 sessSendVerb: Error sending Verb, rc: -50
> 21-08-2001 14:47:46 TcpFlush: Error 10054 sending data on Tcp/Ip socket 592.
> 21-08-2001 14:47:46 TcpFlush: Error 10038 sending data on Tcp/Ip socket
> 4294967295.
> 21-08-2001 14:47:46 sessSendVerb: Error sending Verb, rc: -50
> 21-08-2001 14:47:46 cuConfirm: Received rc: -50 trying to send Confirm verb
> 21-08-2001 14:47:46 TcpFlush: Error 10038 sending data on Tcp/Ip socket
> 4294967295.
> 21-08-2001 14:47:46 sessSendVerb: Error sending Verb, rc: -50
> on the server side a message is received like the following:
> ANE4991I (Session: 20523, Node: PPNL10LEC01A_EXC)  TDP  MSExchg NT ACN3521
> Exchange Application Client: FULL  backup of IS from server PPNL10LEC01A failed,
> rc = 306.
> (interesting enough the enclosed ACN3521 echange client error number is no where
> to be found !)
> you can also see that the session is in a state of receive wait and stays that
> way until it is aborted due to the commtimeout setting (1200).
> We're running Exchange 5.5 on NT4 SP6a using TSM API 4.1.1. and Exchange TDP
> client V1.1.1.01.
> The problem has been reported to Tivoli, I'm waiting for a reply, if anything
> usefull comes by I'll pass it along.
> regards Walter Ridderhof.
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