
        Was wondering if anyone could tell me what I should be doing if I
would like to cancel a backup storage of the below-mentioned tapes (backup
stg dailypool dailycopypool). I have these 2 tapes which TSM have been
trying to do a copy of the primary tapes, but the primary tape has been
brought to an off-site location. Is there any way/command that I am able to
issue which would cancel these requests only? I still want to carry on with
my daily backup storage schedule though

08/23/01   06:30:20      ANR1229W Volume SA2_007 cannot be backed up -
volume is
                          offline or access mode is "unavailable" or
08/23/01   06:30:20      ANR1229W Volume SA2_009 cannot be backed up -
volume is
                          offline or access mode is "unavailable" or

Many Thanks in Advance,

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