> 3.How many people are experiencing Memory Errors when doing so?


This is a known issue with the Microsoft Exchange server.
Microsoft found a problem and are currently in the
process of putting out a Q article and a hotfix.
Here is a quote from the Microsoft Escalation Engineer
that we have been working with:

  "Throughout the troubleshooting process for this issue, we did manage
  to uncover and fix a memory leak in our ESE Backup and Restore APIs,
  which is scheduled for inclusion in Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2
  (and a pre-SP2 hotfix is forthcoming very shortly).  We will have
  two KB articles for this issue: Q306283, XADM: Exchange 2000
  Information Store leaks memory when backed up remotely,
  which alerts the public to this issue, and Q306177,
  XADM: Exchange 2000 Information Store leaks memory when
  backed up remotely, which will contain the same information
  as Q306283, in addition to the hotfix build number information
  for the updated eseback2.dll.  Unfortunately, I cannot
  distribute draft versions of unpublished Knowledge Base
  articles prior to publishing (due to company policy).
  If your other customers are encountering this issue,
  please have them contact Microsoft Product Support Services
  so we can properly track their issue, and distribute
  hotfixes to the affected customers accordingly.
  The contact information for Microsoft Product Support
  Services can be found at http://support.microsoft.com/directory/.";




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

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