I have similar symptoms with the TSM 4.2 client for Linux. I opened a
problem record with IBM. Please do the same, because the more problem
records exists, the earlier the problem might get fixed.
Best regards
Gerhard Rentschler                   email:
Manager Central Servers & Services
Regional Computing Center   tel: ++49/711/6855806
University of Stuttgart                fax: ++49/711/682357
Allmandring 30a
D 70550 Stuttgart

Gesendet von: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
28.08.2001 14:48
Bitte antworten an jim_kirkman

        An:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Thema:  Re: Netware Client 4.2.0 password generate problems

Yes, I have experienced this very same behavior. Given that it was
happening during
testing of Netware cluster backups I quickly canned 4.2 and went back to
4.1.1_18. I've
got enough problems trying to get the cluster nodes to run successfully to
have to worry
about this as well.

I like Corey's response, just shrug and say "Netware"

Patrick Boutilier wrote:

> Has anybody got password generate working properly with the new 4.2.0
client on
> Netware?
> I am using Netware 5.1 SP2 and I can not get the Node password to be
saved in
> the new tsm.pwd file. The TSA and NDS username/password are save fine
> everytime I run dsmc q sess I am asked for the Node password. dsmc q TSA
> dsmc q TSA NDS work fine (other than having to provide the Node password
each time).
> I do have passwordaccess generate in my dsm.opt file.
> Anyone else noticed this behaviour?

Jim Kirkman
AIS - Systems
UNC-Chapel Hill

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