>Our issue is that our policy is to keep 5 versions of all active files and
>this is not good enough for the users.  They would like an archive to be
>performed for all of our servers (30+) on a monthly basis and would like
>these archives to be retained for 1 year each.  Basically if I do an
>archive for August this year, that archive will be retained until August of
>next year.

Yanki - You're getting confused over Backup vs. Archive.  You can only keep
        a certain number of VERSIONS with a Backup Copygroup (Query Copy).
With TSM Archive, retention is by period of time, as defined in the Archive
Copygroup (Query Copy T=A).

I'd recommend finding out exactly what your users are trying to achieve.
Perhaps they don't understand the TSM philosophy, and believe that things
have to be sent to the server periodically in order to stick around.
This is to say that if you are doing incremental Backup, it isn't clear
that you should also have to perform Archive operations.  So find out what
the users really need, and review your Backup Copygroup values, changing
them if needed, or creating a separate Management Class for specific
backup needs.

  Richard Sims, BU

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