
        I seem to have a problem with some of my 'copystoragepool' tapes.
Whenever i check out these tapes, I update the volumes as access=offsite,
but it seems that when the original tape expires, they do not. See below for
an example. SA2_006 already has 0.0% Pct Util and has a volume status of
'Empty' but when I tried to check the tape in a scratch volume, TSM does not
allow me to do it. Can anyone suggest a solution? I'm out of scratch volumes
already. Not a good thing. :-(

Thanks in Advance.

Volume Name                  Storage         Device         Estimated
Pct      Volume
                             Pool Name       Class Name      Capacity
Util      Status

------------------------     -----------     ----------     ---------
-----     --------
SA2_001                      DAILYCOPYP-     LTO_DEV2       107,040.1
100.0     Filling

SA2_002                      DAILYCOPYP-     LTO_DEV2       232,740.9
100.0       Full

SA2_003                      DAILYCOPYP-     LTO_DEV2        54,843.9
37.6     Filling

SA2_004                      DAILYCOPYP-     LTO_DEV2       194,074.3
100.0       Full

SA2_005                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       247,601.2
0.1       Full
SA2_006                      DAILYCOPYP-     LTO_DEV2             0.0
0.0      Empty

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