>Date:    Tue, 2 Oct 2001 08:23:22 -0700
>From:    "Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: select statement
>Hello all,
>Can anyone help with this question? I'm wondering if it's possible to get
>this from a select statement or other query. I want to find out how much
>data all nodes backed up the previous night, how much time it took and
>the transfer rate. Put it in order by what took the longest.

What you want is not stored nicely in the database, but TSM can write
accounting records to a flat file that you can parse. I'm playing with them
and will post my scripts to coderelief when I have them ready for
production. Write me offline if you are in a hurry and want the beta code.

>Thanks for the help.

You're welcome.

- Kai.

>Geoff Gill
>TSM Administrator

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