
Be carefull about the max log size It's not 5,5GB but only 5500MB so if you
convert MB to GB, the maximum size is 5,3GB.
When your log space is 5500MB and full, you have to restore the database
because you can't extend the log space.

Since our database is more than 60GB, we must use rollforward mode because
full database backup is too long.
We are in TSM and there is a bug with incremental database backup .
The log space doesn't clear every time when DB backup ends.

Now we upgrade to TSM 4.2 and the first server is OK.

Alain Gourves

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU - 04/10/2001 13:46

Veuillez répondre à [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Envoyé par :   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pour :    ADSM-L

cc :

ccc :

Objet :   Recovery log space spikes

The maximum size of the recovery log is 5.5GB, my recovery log is 4.5 GB
now and I have just recently increased it 1GB from 3.5GB.  It filled up
again  last night. My database is 59.5 GB. Could I have a problem that is
causing my recovery log to fill up or is this normal for this size of
I am running TSM 3.7.4 on OS390 R 2.10.
I have been testing TSM 4.1.4 and am planning to go to the new release in
the next few weeks, could  this help the situation?

Below shows the past three days monitoring.

October 4, 2001
tsm: ADSM3>q log

Available      Assigned   Maximum        Maximum       Page       Total
Used          Pct         Max.
    Space       Capacity     Extension        Reduction     Size
Usable           Pages        Util         Pct
     (MB)          (MB)               (MB)                 (MB)
(bytes)     Pages                                                Util
---------             --------             ---------             ---------
-------           ---------            ---------          -----
    4,620           4,620                   0                  4,264
4,096         1,182,208      89,762          7.6        100.0

Available     Assigned           Maximum      Maximum          Page
Total                Used                   Pct          Max.
    Space       Capacity            Extension      Reduction        Size
Usable            Pages                Util           Pct
     (MB)          (MB)                    (MB)                (MB)
(bytes)       Pages
---------             --------                  ---------
---------                -------        ---------------
----------------         ------        ------
   60,908           60,908                   0                    6,852
4,096       15,592,448     13,839,066        88.8        88.8

tsm: ADSM3>

October 3, 2001

tsm: ADSM3>q log

Available        Assigned        Maximum       Maximum          Page
Total        Used           Pct        Max.
    Space         Capacity          Extension       Reduction        Size
Usable     Pages        Util        Pct
     (MB)            (MB)                   (MB)                (MB)
(bytes)       Pages                                       Util
---------              --------                ---------
---------                 -------           -------------   ------------
-----       -----
    4,620            4,620                     0                    2,480
4,096          1,182,208   546,313    46.2     88.6

tsm: ADSM3>q db

 Available          Assigned    Maximum     Maximum       Page
Total              Used             Pct           Max.
    Space            Capacity       Extension   Reduction      Size
Usable          Pages          Util           Pct
     (MB)                (MB)                (MB)              (MB)
(bytes)    Pages                                                       Util
    ---------             -- --------            ---------
---------              -------        --------------     ---------------
-----          -----
    60,908              60,908                 0               7,208
4,096      15,592,448    13,748,751       88.2         88.2

tsm: ADSM3>

October 2, 2001

tsm: ADSM3>q log

        Available        Assigned   Maximum     Maximum             Page
Total             Used              Pct     Max.
         Space            Capacity     Extension     Reduction
Size           Usable         Pages          Util       Pct
             (MB)             (MB)            (MB)                (MB)
(bytes)       Pages           Util
        ---------              --------             ---------
---------                   -------          --------------    -----------
-----     -----
         4,620                 4,620                0
988                    4,096          1,182,208     928,830        78.6

tsm: ADSM3>q db

  Available  Assigned   Maximum   Maximum          Page         Total
Used                Pct          Max.
    Space    Capacity      Extension   Reduction         Size
Usable           Pages             Util          Pct
     (MB)       (MB)              (MB)             (MB)
(bytes)       Pages
    ---------     --------            ---------            ---------
-------            ---------             ---------------      -----
   60,908   60,908                 0                 7,648
4,096          15,592,44 8    13,635,960       87.5        87.5

tsm: ADSM3>

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