Is this you ONLY dbb entry in the volhistory file? TSM intentionally 
refuses to delete the last full DB backup and corresponding incrementals 
even if you try with DEL VOLH TOD=TODAY TOT=NOW.
If this is not the case look for a tool for "AUDIT VOLH". I can recommend 
vi/emacs ;-)

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Robert Ouzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 18.10.2001 07:45:46
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:        Help on del volh type=dbb


I proceed an unloaddb/format/loaddb successfully last week (11/10/2001)
,before this process I backup my database

Date/Time                         Volume Type           Backup Backup
Volume     Device Class     Volume Name 
Operation      Seq

10/11/2001 08:17:46      BACKUPFULL          1,274             0
1             DBBACKUP     /dbbackup/02781066.DBB 

Till then impossible to delete this entry from the : query volh type=dbb

Try all kind of:         del volh type=dbb todate=today-X   without any
success ?..

Try to auditdb fix=yes , still incapable to delete this entry !!!!!!!!!!

Anyone got this problem too, my TSM server version is 3.7.4

T.I.A Regards Robert Ouzen

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