If you are employing StorageTek's ACSLS or LibStation, you can add
EDT-DistribuTAPE to the mix to support both tape drive types in one library.
The interface with TSM is via the external library manager (ELM) component.
In essence, you would create two library definitions in TSM, one for DLT and
one for 9840.  These definitions would be reflected in the configuration of
the EDT-DistribuTAPE product.  When a mount was requested, the proper media
based on the library definition being used by TSM would be mounted in the
appropriate drive and operations would proceed as normal.  This is an
excellent way to get the most out of your tape resources.  Furthermore, as
Zlatko stated below, this methodology will also allow you to migrate data
from one device type to another should you desire to do so.

Christopher S. Young
Senior System Engineer
Gresham Enterprise Storage
Office: 303.413.1799 x 205
Mobile: 303.717.2745

-----Original Message-----
From: Zlatko Krastev/ACIT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: Mixed drives in STK library

You still can define a SCSI library over 9840 drives and manual library
over DLT drives. You then will be able to perform current backups on new
drives and slowly to migrate data from old cartridges. The drawback is that
you (or the operators) will be the tape robot ;-)

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

ORNESS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 17.10.2001 01:57:49
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:        Re: Mixed drives in STK library


My STK 9740 Scsi libraries have both DLT7000 and T9840B drives without

9840B drives are FC native
DLT7 drives and LB0 are driven by a SCSI cable...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Prather, Wanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: Mixed drives in STK library

> A SCSI library can have only 1 type of drive; an ACSLS library can have 2
> (maybe more, I don't know).
> We run TSM for AIX, ACSLS 5.3, STK9710 robots.
> At various times we have run 3490 & DLT drives in the same robot, then
> and 9840 drives in the same robot.  Certainly makes media conversion
> easier!!
> TSM doesn't really "support" it, but what you do is install ACSLS, which
> gives you it's own robot driver on the robot address.  Then you just
> two TSM libraries on the same physical robot address.  Then you checkin
> type of tape to the first "library", and the other type of tape to the
> "library".  It should work unless there is something strange about the
> support that prevents it.
> Check with STK, see if they can find other customers doing it...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Mansfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 9:07 AM
> Subject: Mixed drives in STK library
> Can TSM handle mixed drives (LTO and DLT) in an STK L180 library?  It
> appears that a SCSI library can only have one type of drive.  Can this be
> done with ACSLS?  Or some other approach?
> _____________________________
> William Mansfield
> Senior Consultant
> Solution Technology, Inc

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