Thanks Del,
I tried that and a couple other things and it's working now.

Liberty Mutual
Backup and Recovery Engineering Services

-----Original Message-----
From: Del Hoobler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: Include/exclude for TDP Lotus Domino

> Thanks for the reply Del, I have read Appendix E and have tried every
> possible combination.  Doesn't seem to be working.


I just specified the following in my DSM.OPT:

    EXCLUDE help\help5*

And it worked fine. That is, the files
were not backed up when I issued:

   domdsmc sel help\help*

The output of the above CLI command was:

   Total Domino databases inspected:         3
   Total Domino databases backed up:         0
   Total Domino databases excluded:          3

   Throughput rate:                          0.00 Kb/Sec
   Total bytes transferred:                  0
   Elapsed processing time:                  0.00 Secs

Notice, that three files were excluded from backup.
You don't, by chance, have an INCLUDE statement
below the EXCLUDE that could be causing it to be
included in the backup, do you?

Try changing your last statement to what I have above.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

"It's a beautiful day.  Don't let it get away."  -- Bono

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