>   Indeed, what a mess.....
>   And don't forget the hundred of thousends ANR2841W messages we get
>   every day.

I don't get that many but still, we shouldn't get any.

On Saturday I noticed my database backups had been failing. I don't have a
clue yet as to why since I just got in to take a look. However what I did do
was to halt the server at the time since nothing was happening and restarted
it. I kicked off a dbbackup and it sat there for an hour waiting for tha
mount of a scratch tape. q mo showed the mount reserved and I had lots of
scratch tapes available. I decided to cancel the process, that took about a
day and a half to accomplish. Yesterday's dbbackup was ok....go figure.

This morning I also noted this for q sess f=d
              Sess Number: 2
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: MediaW
                Wait Time: 9.4 H
               Bytes Sent: 337
              Bytes Recvd: 612
                Sess Type: Node
                 Platform: WinNT
              Client Name: CP-ITS-IPVQA
      Media Access Status: Waiting for mount of output volume U00933 (33863
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent: 10/28/01 22:09:59

Media wait going for 9.4 hours for what? The media is in the library and the
status is ok:
              Sess Number: 2
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: MediaW
                Wait Time: 9.4 H
               Bytes Sent: 337
              Bytes Recvd: 612
                Sess Type: Node
                 Platform: WinNT
              Client Name: CP-ITS-IPVQA
      Media Access Status: Waiting for mount of output volume U00933 (33863
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent: 10/28/01 22:09:59

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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