>According to the information in apar IC30965 the licensing problem is
supposed to be fixed in
* RECOMMENDATION: Apply fixing PTF when available.  When the
*                 fix is applied you may need to first delete
*                 the nodelock file then "touch" the nodelock
*                 file to recreate it.
Did you recreate the nodelock file as recommended in the apar?
Yeppo. We did. But if you read the README, you will also read that
this problem was fixed in (I gonne hate these numbers...).
And this "fix" disappeared in So we still have to deal
with hundreds of thousends rediculous messages every day.
(besides of hundreds of thousends other rediculous messages
you get every day, every "typo" is logged in the activitylog
for example, ok, wrong example, we don't do hundred of thousends
typo's every day....;-)

Henk (visiting a TSM-user day on Friday in Holland, will be
      big fun....)

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