
    One of my servers has 2 LTO drives, of which the 2nd drive is being used
as copy stgpool. But our management has decided to take away that second
drive so that it can be installed in another server. So for the past hour or
so, I have been updating our schedules etc so that nothing points to the 2nd
LTO drive. Everything seems to be going fine, except one last thing! I can't
seem to be able to do a 'delete devclass' of my 2nd LTO drive. Can any of
you guys try to point out what's wrong? I've cracked my head but I can't
seem to find any portion that points to the 2nd LTO device. This is what my
dev classes look like:

tsm: SAPROD>q devclass

Device        Device         Storage     Device        Format      Est/Max
Class         Access            Pool     Type                     Capacity
Name          Strategy         Count                                  (MB)

---------     ----------     -------     ---------     ------     --------
DISK          Random               0

FILECLASS     Sequential           1     FILE                          4.0
LTO_DEV1      Sequential           1     LTO           DRIVE
LTO_DEV2      Sequential           0     LTO           DRIVE

    I'm trying to delete LTO_DEV2. Here's more info about it, followed by
the error message I get when I try to delete the device.

tsm: SAPROD>q devclass lto_dev2 f=d

             Device Class Name: LTO_DEV2
        Device Access Strategy: Sequential
            Storage Pool Count: 0
                   Device Type: LTO
                        Format: DRIVE
         Est/Max Capacity (MB):
                   Mount Limit: 1
              Mount Wait (min): 5
         Mount Retention (min): 20
                  Label Prefix: ADSM
                       Library: LTO_LIB2
                   Server Name:
                  Retry Period:
                Retry Interval:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 07/03/01   14:20:54

tsm: SAPROD>del dev lto_dev2
ANR2354E DELETE DEVCLASS: Device class LTO_DEV2 is still referenced by one
or more
storage pools, or database backup or export volumes.
ANS8001I Return code 13.

    OK, so I think no big deal, it's probably still in use somewhere, so I
go ahead and try to find out where it's being used.

tsm: SAPROD>q stgpool

Storage        Device         Estimated      Pct      Pct    High    Low
Next Stora-
Pool Name      Class Name      Capacity     Util     Migr     Mig    Mig
ge Pool
                                   (MB)                       Pct    Pct
-----------    ----------    ----------    -----    -----    ----    ---
DAILYPOOL      LTO_DEV1      55,901,573      4.0     10.0      90     70


RECLAIMPOOL    FILECLASS            0.0      0.0      0.0      90     70

tsm: SAPROD>q stgpool f=d

               Storage Pool Name: DAILYPOOL
               Storage Pool Type: Primary
               Device Class Name: LTO_DEV1
         Estimated Capacity (MB): 55,901,573.5
                        Pct Util: 4.0
                        Pct Migr: 10.0
                     Pct Logical: 100.0
                    High Mig Pct: 90
                     Low Mig Pct: 70
                 Migration Delay: 0
              Migration Continue: Yes
             Migration Processes:
               Next Storage Pool:
            Reclaim Storage Pool: RECLAIMPOOL
          Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                          Access: Read/Write
               Overflow Location:
           Cache Migrated Files?:
                      Collocate?: Yes
           Reclamation Threshold: 100
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 200
   Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
          Migration in Progress?: No
            Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
        Reclamation in Progress?: No
 Volume Being Migrated/Reclaimed:
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

  Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
           Last Update Date/Time: 10/31/01   19:39:15

               Storage Pool Name: RECLAIMPOOL
               Storage Pool Type: Primary
               Device Class Name: FILECLASS
         Estimated Capacity (MB): 0.0
                        Pct Util: 0.0
                        Pct Migr: 0.0
                     Pct Logical: 100.0
                    High Mig Pct: 90
                     Low Mig Pct: 70
                 Migration Delay: 0
              Migration Continue: Yes
             Migration Processes:
               Next Storage Pool: DAILYPOOL
            Reclaim Storage Pool: DAILYPOOL
          Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                          Access: Read/Write
               Overflow Location:
           Cache Migrated Files?:
                      Collocate?: No
           Reclamation Threshold: 60
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 200
   Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
          Migration in Progress?: No
            Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

        Reclamation in Progress?: No
 Volume Being Migrated/Reclaimed:
  Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
           Last Update Date/Time: 10/31/01   20:07:26

tsm: SAPROD>

    Everything up there looks fine to me, LTO_DEV2 is not in use, and I have
already deleted the old stgpool which was using LTO_DEV2. So I think maybe
it's in the admin schedule.

tsm: SAPROD>q sch
ANR2034E QUERY SCHEDULE: No match found using this criteria.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

tsm: SAPROD>q sch type=admin

*     Schedule Name        Start Date/Time          Duration     Period
-     ----------------     --------------------     --------     ------
      BACKUP_DEVCONF       04/24/01   10:00:00          1 H        1 D
      BACKUP_VOLHIST       04/24/01   09:25:00          1 H        1 D
      DBBACK2LTO           10/31/01   20:09:38          1 H        1 D
      DEL_VOLHIST          04/26/01   09:50:00          1 H        1 D
      FLUSH_RECLAIM        10/31/01   20:04:43          1 H        1 D
      START_RECLAIM        08/01/01   15:00:00          1 H        1 D
      STOP_FLUSH_RECL-     10/31/01   20:07:15          1 H        1 D

      STOP_RECLAIM         08/01/01   18:30:00          1 H        1 D

tsm: SAPROD>q sch type=admin f=d

                 Schedule Name: BACKUP_DEVCONF
                       Command: backup devconfig
                      Priority: 5
               Start Date/Time: 04/24/01   10:00:00
                      Duration: 1 Hour(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Any
                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 05/08/01   19:03:36
              Managing profile:

                 Schedule Name: BACKUP_VOLHIST
                       Command: backup volhist
                      Priority: 5
               Start Date/Time: 04/24/01   09:25:00
                      Duration: 1 Hour(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Any
                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 04/26/01   11:38:45
              Managing profile:

                 Schedule Name: DBBACK2LTO
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

                       Command: backup db type=full devclass=lto_dev1
                      Priority: 5
               Start Date/Time: 10/31/01   20:09:38
                      Duration: 1 Hour(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Any
                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 10/31/01   20:09:38
              Managing profile:

                 Schedule Name: DEL_VOLHIST
                       Command: run del_volhist
                      Priority: 5
               Start Date/Time: 04/26/01   09:50:00
                      Duration: 1 Hour(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Any
                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 06/05/01   18:51:35
              Managing profile:

                 Schedule Name: FLUSH_RECLAIM
                       Command: update stg reclaimpool highmig=0 lowmig=0
                      Priority: 5
               Start Date/Time: 10/31/01   20:04:43
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

                      Duration: 1 Hour(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Any
                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 10/31/01   20:04:43
              Managing profile:

                 Schedule Name: START_RECLAIM
                       Command: update stg dailypool reclaim=90
                      Priority: 5
               Start Date/Time: 08/01/01   15:00:00
                      Duration: 1 Hour(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Friday
                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 08/01/01   16:17:56
              Managing profile:

                 Schedule Name: STOP_FLUSH_RECLAIM
                       Command: update stg reclaimpool highmig=90 lowmig=70
                      Priority: 5
               Start Date/Time: 10/31/01   20:07:15
                      Duration: 1 Hour(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Any
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 10/31/01   20:07:15
              Managing profile:

                 Schedule Name: STOP_RECLAIM
                       Command: update stg dailypool reclaim=100
                      Priority: 5
               Start Date/Time: 08/01/01   18:30:00
                      Duration: 1 Hour(s)
                        Period: 1 Day(s)
                   Day of Week: Friday
                       Active?: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 08/01/01   16:19:48
              Managing profile:

tsm: SAPROD>

tsm: SAPROD>q libvol

Library Name     Volume Name     Status         Owner          Last Use
Home Element
------------     -----------     ----------     ----------     ---------
LTO_LIB1         SA2_005         Private                       Data
LTO_LIB1         SA2_010         Private                       Data
LTO_LIB1         SA2_018         Private                       Data
LTO_LIB1         SA2_025         Private                       Data
LTO_LIB1         SA2_031         Private                       DbBackup

tsm: SAPROD>q vol

Volume Name                  Storage         Device         Estimated
Pct      Volume
                             Pool Name       Class Name      Capacity
Util      Status

------------------------     -----------     ----------     ---------
-----     --------
SA2_002                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1        85,396.0
3.9     Filling
SA2_004                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       116,585.1
100.0     Filling
SA2_005                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       118,786.1
100.0     Filling
SA2_006                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       236,785.1
100.0     Filling
SA2_009                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       200,231.0
100.0       Full
SA2_010                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       109,431.7
100.0     Filling
SA2_011                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       216,679.8
100.0     Filling
SA2_012                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       215,917.1
45.7       Full
SA2_013                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       184,047.4
4.1       Full
SA2_016                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       415,066.3
93.7       Full
SA2_017                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       432,970.0
12.3     Filling
SA2_018                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1        95,367.0
1.4     Filling
SA2_020                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       444,913.9
100.0       Full
SA2_022                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       438,995.7
0.0       Full
SA2_023                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       511,638.1
30.9     Filling
SA2_025                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1        95,367.0
1.0     Filling
SA2_026                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       488,931.3
4.3       Full
SA2_028                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       438,806.9
4.3       Full
SA2_029                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       219,603.7
0.2       Full
SA2_032                      DAILYPOOL       LTO_DEV1       524,638.1
8.9       Full

tsm: SAPROD>

    Nothing again! This is the ONLY schedule we use, we do all our scheduled
backups' via crontab. Is there anything I am missing out here? When I try to
delete the LTO_DEV2, I get ANR2354E DELETE DEVCLASS: Device class LTO_DEV2
is still referenced by one or more
storage pools, or database backup or export volumes.

    I've checked the storage pools, and all do not seem to be making use of
Dev2 to me. TSM Database backup which is defined under the administrative
schedule, is going to LTO_DEV1. Which only leaves export volumes? Now what
in the world is that? I am the TSM Administrator and have not tried
exporting any volume before, so I dont think that would be the cause of the
reason. Can anyone try to advise me what is going wrong? I think my backups'
/ schedules will probably still run normally after the changes I've made (or
I hope so, at least) but I really would think it would be better for me to
get rid of the extra devclass which isn't even there.

Thanks in Advance,

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