Ready for painless fun? I knew you were!

for each filesystem you have in /etc/fstab do this in dsm.sys

VirtualMountPoint $FILESYSTEMNAME 

I just tried this on the /home fs of one of our servers here ( they're all a little 
busy to be doing a full incremental right now, though I'm going to try that this 
afternoon, and I'll keep the list posted )


Example is below.

#cat /etc/fstab
/dev/sda1              /                       ext3    defaults        1 1
/dev/sda2              /home              ext3    defaults        1 1
/dev/sda3              swap                swap   defaults        0 0 

#cat /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
PasswordAccess generate

* Comments are your friend
* This a way to get tsm to work with Journaled FSes 
VirtualMountPoint "/"
VirtualMountPoint "/home"
Exlude "/tmp/.../*"

For each partition/slice that

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/07/01 08:24AM >>>
>I was just wondering, with new filesystems coming to linux like
>reiserfs, ext3 and xfs, does anybody know if work is underway to
>support these filesystems in TSM, and if so, when this is planned to
>become available?

Us, too!  We have a number of instances where (ext3) will help us solve
important problems.  Any information on support and work-arounds will
be much appreciated.  Thank you, wayne

Wayne T. Smith                          [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
ADSM Technical Coordinator - UNET       University of Maine System

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