You can easily narrow this down and find if a single client is causing the
Compare q occ  wriiten to a file taken at 06:00 with another taken at 09:00.
The client/s with an increase in data in the tape pool is the offender

Marc Levitan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/14/2001 02:52:08 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: John Naylor/HAV/SSE)
Subject:  backup disk pool vs backup tape pool

At 6:00 my backup disk pool is copied to my copy tape pool.
This takes about 3 hours.

At 9:00 my backup tape pool is copied to my copy tape pool.
This usually takes about 5 minutes!

Recently, the 5 minutes has grown to an hour or more!
What would cause this?  Why would data go directly to the backup tape pool,
and not the backup disk pool?

Marc Levitan
Storage Manager
PFPC Global Fund Services

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