> I asked earlier about the earlier version of the TDP for MSSQL. What
> about the earlier version of the TDP for exchange? Did the TSM server
> expire the backed up DB objects or were they given a unique name and you
> had to tell the TDP to delete them?


Exchange version 1 works like SQL version 1, in that respect.

All objects inserted into the TSM backup storage pool by
the Exchange Application Client are given a unique name
so they are never expired by the TSM server. The Exchange
Application Client provides a delete function to remove
unwanted backup objects from the TSM server. However, for
the function to work, the VERDELETED parameter of the
Backup Copy Group should be set to 0 (zero). Then, when
the Exchange Application Client marks a backup object inactive,
that object is deleted from the TSM server the next
time expiration processing occurs. A backup object is
marked inactive when you delete it through the
Exchange Application Client interface.

The above text was taken from the version 1
TDP for Exchange Installation and User's Guide.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

"It's a beautiful day.  Don't let it get away."  -- Bono

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