
When a file matches and exclude statement it expires in the same manner as
for deletion of the file. After this normal policy according to copygroup
settings applies.
Yes, you are right - during the work days your backups done at the weekend
will expire and be treated as deleted. If retonly=1 then all but the last
file copy will be lost.
I can suggest you two options:
1. Use exclude.backup and archive the files in question. Be aware that
archive copygroup defines only retension period and each archive creation
is "new version".
2. At weekends change include statements, backup the files, generate
backupset of them, exclude files. Even when files expire the backupset has
its own retension period. And because you are performing offline DB backup
restore of those files restores the tablespace data and DB engine can be
started immediately.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

"Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 16.11.2001 17:13:32
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:        include/exclude list

Will someone please explain the pitfalls of changing the include/exclude
list as it relates to this issue. We have a server that is running Oracle.
There is no TDP for True64 so we're stuck with what we have, the client.
Backing up open Oracle files is a waste of time because we know from
restores they are no good. I've suggested to the admins to exclude those
open files from nightly backups because of this. We're talking about
60-70GB. This times 21, the number of versions they have for me is a lot of

I'd like to know if my understanding is correct. If a file is not in the
exclude list then it's backed up, that's an easy one. If it's changed
nightly and been backed up for 3 weeks I have 21 copies. If I now exclude
the file it's not backed up any longer, however what happens to the 21
copies I have in place? Are they all expired immediately except the last
and removed from the system?

The problem is we "would" be stopping the database on weekends and getting
good backups. If editing the exclude list would force the good copies to go
away then we could not live with that. If there is a way to exclude them
some days and then include them other days and still keep 21 good copies
then would someone please help me to accomplish this. I'm to the point I
use all the free space I can, got about 20 clients that need backups but I
don't have the space yet.

Thanks for the help.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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