The way I understand the licenses, you need either a Managed System for LAN
OR a Managed System for SAN license for each *Managed System* that you are
backing up (the SAN license permits you to backup files across the LAN).
Not for each node you register to TSM.

Assuming that only one of the cluster nodes in the example is backing up
the database across the SAN, you would need to purchase one LAN, one SAN
and one TDP license, even though you might wind up registering 4 nodes to
TSM (one for the base files on each system, one for the TDP files on each
system assuming you're following the instructions to place the TDP data in
a different domain).

The TDP for SQL product only requires the TSM BA client if TSM central
scheduling is used (see  So, if you
have another way to kick off the backup (at?) and you are not using the BA
client to back up your files, you don't need the Managed System for ?AN
license at all.

Check with Tivoli to be sure, but if somebody finds out this isn't correct,
let me know.
William Mansfield
Senior Consultant
Solution Technology, Inc

                    Del Hoobler
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    BM.COM>              cc:
                    Sent by:             Subject:     Re: Licensing MS SQL cluster - 
managed system for LAN/SAN
                    "ADSM: Dist          and TDP              licenses?
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    02:09 PM
                    respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

> And another issue (maybe for another thread) - TDP for applications
> products do not include backup/archive/API client license, right? So in
> addition to TDP license TSM client license (LAN or SAN) has separately to
> be bought? And if I want backup/archive client node and TDP node to be
> different TWO licenses have to be bought, right?


If I understand your configuration correctly, you will have two
Windows systems running a clustered SQL server environment.
You want to back up of each of the Windows file systems over the
LAN and the SQL data over a SAN connection.
Thus, you will have 2 TSM nodes for the file system
data on each server and one TSM node for the clustered SQL server.

My understanding for the license requirements is as follows:

2 Managed system for LAN licenses
  (one for each node backing up the Windows file system)

1 Managed system for SAN license for the LAN-free support
  for TDP for SQL

1 TDP/SQL license if this is not an active/active cluster
  (which means the SQL server and thus TDP for SQL is only
  running on one of the clustered machines at a time)

To be certain, please confer with you Tivoli sales representative.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

"It's a beautiful day.  Don't let it get away."  -- Bono

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