Theresa, I do Informix restores all the time. You are correct about the old
ADSM product... it did supply a shared library. TSM does not. The shared
library is a generic library that onbar talks to to make its tape requests
known to TSM. TSM merely keeps track of where the backups are that are to
be restored and onbar does most of the work. Backups are done in several
ways, depending on the arguements to the onbar command. Backups done with a
-L specify a "level" and you can think of these as more or less incremental
backups. I say that because Informix logical logs, which are probably being
backed up to allow you to restore to a "point in time". This point in time
is specified in the onbar restore arguements (hope you have an Informix
Onbar Backup and Restore Guide. The other way you can back up your system
is using the whole_system argument in the backups. Then, you can do a
whole_system restore. I think these work a tad better but either method
will work. How do you backup the database?  I would guess a script is used
which calls the onbar script that Informix provides along with arguments.
If you send me this info offline, we may be able to figure this out. Drop
me a note at:

George Lesho
AFC Enterprises

"Sarver, Theresa (Osky Unix Administrator)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 11/20/2001 10:33:57 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Informix restore using TSM


We are in a 3-tier environment:
Server1 - Informix Database 7.24 UC5 and TSM 4.1.1 server
Server2 - Baan IVb3

The TSM client on Server1 (that Informix connects with) is using an old
[ADSM] version...3.8 - I believe?  This was done because it was the only
Informix would connect to TSM without having to purchase TDP for Informix.
(not my choice, nor was I part of that decision)


This morning Server1 crashed - we lost the I/O board.  While I await IBM's
arrival with the replacement part I am contemplating the worst...having to
restore Informix.  I am fairly new to this job and have never restored
Informix (or anything else for that matter) with TSM.  Three years ago when
Informix and ADSM were brought online a full database restore was preformed
and it was successful...but other than that I do not believe it has been
done since.  ????  The person who was incharge of TSM and Informix
"abruptly" left the firm and I got "stuck" administering them.  ;)

If anyone out there has ever preformed an Informix restore would you be so
kind and to provide me with some steps.  I'd welcome any help anyone has to
offer at this point.

Thank you;

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