Here is a problem report from a user trying to restore lots of files. My
AIX/Unix guy has an outstanding problem report open with Tivoli, that is
related to this kind of issue.   Also, a previous post from me about
having problems upgrading from the 4.1.3 client to 4.2.1 is related.

I have edited this message, removing irrelevant parts......

"....problem I'm having with restoring files via the TSM WEB client. ....
I'm working on a restore for xxxxxxxxxxxx. For some reason her "personal"
folder in her email disappeared. I went to the TSM WEB client to try to
restore the folder, but it is huge and the TSM WEB client keeps cutting me
off (because I seem to choose too many files to restore at one time). The
problem is that it seems like you can only do a global select on every
file in the folder or you have to select one file at a time. If I do a
global select, it cuts me off (because it is too big), but selecting these
files one at a time is so tedious and cumbersome when the
folder is so huge. I've tried looking in the help to see if there is
another way to select files, but I don't see one. I've also tried to hold
down the shift or control key while selecting to see if I can get a group
that way, but it doesn't seem to respond to that. Do you know of an easier
way to deal with this? I appreciate any insight you can give me. ......"

This is his response.........

"I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with the restores. I'll check
back with Tivoli today to see if we can get info about a fix to the "too
many files" problem. Before Thanksgiving, we tried upgrading from
to to fix it, but that broke the nightly backups so we had to fall

Any suggestions ?  Anyone else dealing with this kind of issue(s) ?

Zoltan Forray
Virginia Commonwealth University - University Computing Center
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  voice: 804-828-4807

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