Hi Rick,

This question keeps coming up on the list, and I have never seen a
definitive answer.  But I will throw this out and see who can respond to it
with better info -

"I think the answer is USUALLY NOT, and even if you somehow get away with
it, it's not supported."

To move client data across platforms, TSM provides EXPORT, which takes the
client data and creates a "portable format" file that can be imported into
the other platform.

I think the reason a different platform can't read the tapes directly is the
drivers. Take the more extreme case of going from HP/UX to Windows - how
likely is it, really, that Windows tape driver will be able to read the data
off a tape written by UNIX?

On the other hand, in the closer cases of HP/UX to AIX, it probably depends
on who wrote the driver, and what the driver expects to see  (If your AIX
box is available already, why not just try one and let us know?).

A couple of years ago, I believe somebody on the list reported getting away
with it when converting from OS/390 to AIX using a 3490-type tape.  When he
found he could read the tapes, he marked all the OS/390-written tapes as
READONLY, just to ensure that all new tapes were written with the AIX
drivers.  But in that case, we know the drivers were at least written by the
same vendor....

Anyway, as more than one person has posted today, moving with EXPORT/IMPORT
is problematic if you have lots of data.  But I believe it's the only
supported way, and I am SURE Tivoli doesn't test or support the direct way.

So much for my musings....

Wanda Prather
The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab

"Intelligence has much less practical application than you'd think" -
Scott Adams/Dilbert

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard L. Rhodes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 10:32 AM
Subject: TSM Platform Change

What is involved in changing a TSM server from one platform (HPUX) to
another (AIX)?

I'm involved in a project that needs to move a TSM server from hp to
ibm.  I know the db needs exported/imported, unloaded/loaded,
backedup/restored (I'm not sure how, but I've heard it can be done).
The bigger question is the  tapes.  After a tsm db is brought to a
new platform, can that tsm instance read the tapes that were created
on the other platform?



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