wow!  deja vu!!!!  we did this last november,  we ordered an H70 with an atl
library.  the vendor that helped us implement our solution made several
backup tapes of the storage pools, and brought them over to the new library
since our retention was 30/60 days.  so it can be done.  of course I can't
tell you all the details but I can get a name to you if you need it.

Paul J Coviello
Sr Systems Analyst
Catholic Medical Center
2456 Brown Ave
Manchester NH 03103
(603) 663-5326

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Danny Miles [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 6:40 PM
> Subject:      Help With Split Up
> Hi *SMR's:
> Forgive me for the length of this but I will be thankful for any
> responses/suggestions anyone may send me.
> I work for a Health System that has split up.  One side owns the TSM
> server (a Netstore 3466, Ver., Aix 4.3.2, about 70 clients, WinNt,
> Novell,  HP Unix, Aix, Linux, about 12tb) and the other side (my employer)
> owns the StorageTek 9740 SCSI library,  (with 6 clients, HP Unix and Aix,
> about 3 tb).  I have been doing the TSM Admin for both.
> My employer has told the other Health System to make arrangements to move
> their data off our library.  The one good thing is that the data on the
> TSM server is all short term data, no archives or anything like that on
> this server.  Data could be expired in about 4 weeks.
> My employer is buying me a used IBM M80 as our TSM server and with the
> STK9740, I'll have a complete system.  I'm not sure what the other side is
> going to do but they will at least have to purchase a library and connect
> it to the Netstore.  I have advised them to get a whole new system.  The
> old Netstore 3466 is a C00 model, I have to use pressure bandages on it on
> a daily basis to stop the bleeding.  They just have too much data for that
> box to process.
> What I'm asking is for any ideas on how to use the pieces in this setup so
> that everyone has access to their old data.  Of course, the main issue is
> the data, but Exporting/Importing the other sides 12+tb seems like it
> would be a long drawn out affair. I'm not skilled enough yet to know what
> my alternatives are.
> What I'm wondering is, is it possible to connect the STK9740 to my new TSM
> server and then perhaps connect a couple of its drives (it has 10
> DLT7000's and 600 DLT4 tapes) to the old Netstore for a period of time?
> If possible, I hope this would do two things for me.  One, it would allow
> me to just export the old server with only node/domain/schedule info
> without client data but would still allow me access to my old data until
> not needed.  Second, it would allow the other side access to a couple of
> drives with which to move their data.
> Is this feasible?  Does anyone have a different idea on how this should be
> done.  If it was you, what would you do?
> Thanks for any help,
> Danny.

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