You presume there is some kind of logic in this business requirement.  This
is just someone's spin on DR to get the data in an alternate site not more
than 48 hours old the way I see it.

I do not understand why they would not just create a copy pool on a tape
library in the second SAN and connect the primary TSM server to the DR SAN
and the primary SAN.  Then they can see the tape drives from both.  Just
create a copy pool and perform Database backups twice a day (once to
primary, once to secondary).

This presumes the tape drives are on the SAN and not shared on the other end
unless a DR has occurred.  Otherwise, TSM to TSM server communications will
have to be put in place to share the drives.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Mansfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: One client - two servers

You could run two client schedulers, using separate dsm.opt files pointing
to the two TSM servers.  You would create a schedule on TSM server EVEN
that did backups on even days, and a schedule on TSM server ODD that did
backups on odd days (or you could do day of week if you prefer).  Each
scheduler would listen to its own TSM server.  One consequence of this
scheme is that each TSM server will back up all the files that have changed
since the last time IT ran, rather than the last time its counterpart ran,
since the necessary information is held in the TSM database, not on the

This scheme is almost unthinkable; you'll have an interesting time with
restores.  I'm curious - what is the business requirement behind this?

William Mansfield
Senior Consultant
Solution Technology, Inc

                    Michel Engels
                    <Michel.Engels@DE       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    VOTEAM.BE>              cc:
                    Sent by: "ADSM:         Subject:     One client - two
                    Dist Stor
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    12/10/2001 08:22
                    Please respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist Stor

My client is studying the implementation of a SAN. And on top of that there
be two SAN's in two different places to be able to create a DR site. What
client is asking is to study if it is feasable and thinkable to do the
on the two different SAN's (with tape robot and necessary TSM Servers)
alternatively ie one day at TSM server 1 the other day to server 2.

In my idea it is the dsm.opt or the dsm.sys which directs the client to the
server. Alternating to the two TSM servers would mean updating these files
restarting the client every day. Not forgetting the difficulty to figure
out to
which TSM server to connect to restore a file of a few days ago not knowing
which server it has been backed up.

Does anyone see a possible configuration to fullfill my client whishes? Any
comment is appreciated.

Michel Engels
TSM Consultant
Devoteam Belgium

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