My Win2k servers have the following parameters and it works !!!

TCPBUFFSIZE         512      * max allowed
TXNBytelimit   10240    * KB (<= 2 GB)
TCPWindowSize  2048     * max W2K:2048, max NT4:63


Steven Chaba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 12/12/2001 05:19:23

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Question Regarding TCPWindowsize on W2K

>From one of my WinTel gurus:

----- Forwarded by Steven Chaba/RG&E on 12/12/01 11:18 AM -----

                    John Wiersma
                                         To:     Steven Chaba/RG&E@RG&E
                    12/12/01             cc:
                    11:01 AM             Subject:     please post to

I run TSM 4.1 on an AIX server with NT and 2000 clients.
I have a question regarding TCPWindowSize on Windows 2000 Server.
I was advised to set this parameter to 128 on Windows 2000 machines.
When I do that, this shows up in the dsmerror.log:
"The TCP window size 128K is not supported by your system. It will be set
to the allowed size - 63K."
My consultant says he has not seen this.
Also, when I run the client on 2000 Professional, I do not have this issue.
Anyone else seen this? Any advice?

John Wiersma
Senior Network Analyst
Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation
(585) 724-8053

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