Dear All,

3583 with bulk i/o door
AIX 4.3.3
TSM 4.2

The library is working correctly EXCEPT when it comes to using the bulk i/o
ie slots 16 to 27.
I cannot use tapeutil to move a tape from within the library out to the
bulk i/o and checkout operations from within TSM also fail.
eg tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4101 16    does not work.
checkout libvol atl 123456 checklabel=no remove=bulk   does not work

However it is possible to move tapes around within the library itself.

Unfortunately the library is remote and there's no network connectivity yet
so I cannot provide examples of the error messages.

I have another 3583 at the same level of Atape which is behaving itself
correctly - I can move tapes in/out using tapeutil and checkout/checkin.

Has anyone seen anything similar? I must assume the problem is outwith TSM
as even tapeutil is having difficulties.

Thanks in advance for your ideas.

Eric Winters
Sydney Australia

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