Minor point: Pete and I both work in the same group; it is just our sig
information that differs.   :-)

It would help to know which TSM server version you are using, and what
your tsmjbbd.ini file looks like. Note that journal-based backups require
a 4.2.0 (or higher) TSM server as well, so if you are running at 4.1 or
less, then that explains why the journal backups aren't working.

About the IDLETIMEOUT question: if it is simply the producer session
timing out, I wouldn't bother increasing IDLETIMEOUT. If it is idle for an
hour at a time, then whatever time is taken to re-establish the session is
neglible. Note that IDLETIMEOUT messages are not necessarily indicative of
problems, and this sounds like just such a case.

Where are you seeing the "psFsMonitorThread" message? As far as I know,
this should only appear if you have tracing enabled. Trace messages are
intended for use by IBM service and development, so they are not



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

"Malbrough, Demetrius" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
01/10/2002 10:22
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        ***The JOURNALED BACKUP saga continues...***

****Any *SMers using NT Journal Backups****

**This question is posed to Tivoli Client Development [Andy Raibeck] or
Tivoli Storage Solutions Software Development [Pete Tanenhaus] if

I have read all of the information about Journal Backups in the "Tivoli
Storage Manager for Windows Using the Backup-Archive Client" Manual and
the "4.2.1 READMe for NT" and it seems that there is more information
on the behavior of Journal-Based Backups!

I have an NT 4.0 client with TSM (I will soon be upgrading to client installed which it processes approximately 290,000
with about 2,200 (less than 1%) changing on a daily basis.

If the amount of daily change activity is less than 5% is it still
beneficial to use Journal Backups?

When I first upgraded to from, I decided not to perform a
Journal backup on this particular client, so I DISABLED the service.  On
Tuesday, I started the Journal Service so it could begin its journaling
process and log any changed objects or its attributes in the journal
database.  The backup still took 9.5 hours to complete with the same
behavior as without Journaling. So, I continued to let it run the next
and it still took 9.5 hours as well.

It seems as if the Journal Engine Service is not working properly!  I
see sessions terminating due to the extensive processing/querying that the
producer thread does while in an idlewait status.

An excerpt from the dsmsched.log----->

21:32:08 ANS1898I ***** Processed    73,500 files *****
21:33:00 ANS1898I ***** Processed    74,000 files *****
21:34:06 ANS1898I ***** Processed    74,500 files *****
21:35:24 ANS1898I ***** Processed    75,000 files *****
21:36:28 ANS1898I ***** Processed    75,500 files *****
21:37:33 ANS1898I ***** Processed    76,000 files *****
21:38:41 ANS1898I ***** Processed    76,500 files *****
21:39:48 ANS1898I ***** Processed    77,000 files *****
21:40:57 ANS1898I ***** Processed    77,500 files *****
21:42:21 ANS1898I ***** Processed    78,000 files *****
21:43:45 ANS1898I ***** Processed    78,500 files *****

*************STILL PROCESSING UNTIL********************

23:51:44 ANS1898I ***** Processed   151,500 files *****
00:02:09 ANS1898I ***** Processed   155,000 files *****
00:02:10 ANS1898I ***** Processed   156,500 files *****
00:02:17 ANS1898I ***** Processed   157,000 files *****
00:11:39 ANS1898I ***** Processed   162,000 files *****
00:12:58 ANS1898I ***** Processed   163,000 files *****
00:14:06 ANS1898I ***** Processed   163,500 files *****
00:16:54 ANS1898I ***** Processed   165,000 files *****
00:19:23 ANS1898I ***** Processed   165,500 files *****
00:19:25 ANS1898I ***** Processed   166,500 files *****
00:20:05 ANS1898I ***** Processed   167,000 files *****
00:20:31 ANS1898I ***** Processed   167,500 files *****

Between 21:32:08 and 00:20:31 (almost 3 hrs) is when I see multiple
terminating due to the idlewait time of 60 mins.

Should I increase the IDLEWAIT time to 180 mins. (3 hrs) or will that only
eliminate the multiple sessions timing out or increase the performance of

Also, if anyone can explain this message it would be greatly appreciated?

"psFsMonitorThread(tid 1044): Object 'C:\WINNT\Temp\TMP5.tmp' was deleted
after notification."


Demetrius Malbrough
UNIX/TSM Administrator

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