Another option that we are considering.

Create a Copy Pool for each of the cycles that are important to you.  Do a
copy of the primary pool to each of those copy pools on the schedule that
you want.  Yes, you have all the data in each of these copy pools at that
interval of time.  And, it will take a number of tapes.  But it may be more
understandable to the customer.

>> Previous Option

We have been facing the same issues and I came up with a neat way to handle
this.  Lets presume that the requirement is to be able to recovery any data
that is 6 years old or younger and these are file system files not database

To accommodate achieving this from a real point of view you would define a
management class with verexist and verdelete of nolimit and retention dates
of 7 years.

You would run the backup daily.  Now the question becomes how many cycle
days do you want to have offsite of tapes.  If you were rotating daily,
theoretically you would need to have 2 offsite and the one going offsite.
So, to reduce the amount of pool rebuild which I will describe below you
should probably go with a 20 day cycle.  It makes no difference because the
same amount of data would be offsite.

Now, you write a script command to select the volumes from the DRMEDIA table
that are going to return that are over say 18 days ago created/updated and
are in a VAULT status, use that as input to MOVE Data commands to the same
offsite pool and the primary pool tapes will rebuild those few tapes that go
offsite daily by adding to the new tapes created in the copypool.  So, you
can avoid open storage with this scenario, and you have all versions of
files offsite that are in the 7 year data picture.  Just mark the box of
tapes to return 21 days later.

To determine if this is a cost effective approach talk to your customer and
sell the benefits.  The windows where files could be lost are eliminated.
There is no guessing or gambling.  The reality is he will be able to see the
data and recover it.  The side benefit of this is you never have to perform
reclamation of the copy pool.  The move data commands handle it for you.

Watch, there is going to be a new requirement for copypools submitted at
Share in Nashville for tape rebuild expiration days so that this is
automated as an extension to reclamation.  The cost benefit is enormous to
customers that use offsite tape rotations.  There is no tape handling by the
courier anymore.  It is a box of tapes at a time.

No matter what the primary pool will have to have the copies in it onsite
unless you used something like backupsets.

The other option is to dynamically create and delete of copypools to meet
the customer requirements for the data and come up with an elaborate
mechanism which can be done.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Denier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Different retentions for same file

>    I am planning a TSM implementation ata customer who has another backup
> solution already in place. They want to slowly make TSM take over all
> but they don4t want to suddenly change the work done by the production
> who take care of all tape movements. The present backup solution works
> different retention times for the backed up files: the daily backups are
> for 20 days; the saturday ("weekly") files are kept for 40 days; the
> backup is kept for 100 days, and there is a "year" backup that is kept for
> years.
>    The question is: I could make this using backups for the daily
> and to use archives for the other ones. But there are TDP4s involved
> (SQLServer, Exchange and DB2) who always do backups, and if I use
> like different management classes, I would get a lot of rebinding
>    Would backupsets be the answer? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Lots of TSM sites attempt to emulate the kind of selective tape retention
described above. However, the goal is usually to emulate the old system's
hit or miss ability to retrieve very old files, not to emulate the old
system's tape handling. Historically, sites trying to emulate selective
tape retention have done TSM incremental backups every day and run
TSM archives as substitutes for tapes kept for longer than usual periods.
More recently, some sites have experimented with TSM incremental backups
every day and occasional generation of backup sets. If you use TSM
incremental backups at all there are going to be changes in tape handling.
I would suggest that your customer either give up on TSM or give up on
preserving the current tape handling practices.

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