Hi everybody

Seems like every time this question comes up, there is a hundred messages coming up on the list.

Everybody seems to have a different approach on wich os to use.

As I said earlier, normally the choice of os is dependent on skill and knowledge. If you're used to Windows NT/2000, the expected choice of os for TSM is NT/2000.

If you're used to UNIX, the normal choice would be UNIX as os for TSM.

But I don't agree with all people saying that Windows scales like UNIX.

As Zlatko pointed out, Intel based machines normally have one PCI bus for example. This is a bottleneck when using high level disksystems, tape systems and other performance equipment.

And, I also agree with Zlatko on the point that I wish TSM would come out for Linux. Linux is more stable than Windows, and runs on the intel platform.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman

Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Bergkällavägen 31D
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

"Joshua S. Bassi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2002-01-18 21:54 PST
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

> Putting all the OS/HW dogma aside, IBM/Tivoli doesn't support TSM on
NT as
> seriously as it does on other, more 'expensive' platforms.

I absolutely disagree with this statement.  IBM is investing more
development dollars on the Windows TSM server than any other platform.

Joshua S. Bassi
Freelance Consultant & IBM Server/Storage Sales Rep.
IBM Certified - AIX/HACMP, SAN, Shark
Tivoli Certified Consultant- ADSM/TSM
Cell (408)&(831) 332-4006

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