I can say this, there is no documented way to do it.  The database has no
interfaces to update it directly so you could not create the entries in it
to my knowledge.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michel David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: **PLEASE HELP ** 4584E : in DSMSERV RESTORE DB:

Thank you very much Paul

1) I format the db and log files.
2) Our DB-BACKUP is on ONE TAPE only. Small DB
~10Mb(because all the files are more than 1GB)
3) We make the commit=yes
4) We don't have the VOLUME HISTORY butg we found the
tapes with DSMSERV DISPLAY function.
5) We work according to "the Administrator's Guide"
6) We tried other tapes from other library. It works
7) All the DB-BACKUP tapes seems to be corrupted

---> Do you know how to recover without the DBBACKUP
with only the DATA TAPES ?

> It is difficult to help you.  Many of us run V4 of
> TSM and do not have the
> messages manual for V3.  The complete message text
> for the 8337 would be
> helpful.  It sounds like it is trying to tell you
> how the recovery log will
> be handled.  Are you sure you have the DEVCONFIG
> setup correctly for a
> restore.  Did you format the files to receive the
> Database and recovery
> logs?  Did you follow the Administrator's Guide for
> recovery based on your
> specific scenario?
> I am presuming that you do not have the VOLHISTORY
> file to work with.  Are
> you specifying COMMIT=YES?  See the example command
> here.
> dsmserv restore db devclass=8MM
> volumenames=tape01,tape02 commit=yes
> Are sure the DBBACKUP is on a single tape, that it
> is not a multi-volume?
> Are you positive your DB Backups have been running
> correctly?
> I suspect folks are having trouble helping you
> without this information.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michel David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 3:53 AM
> Subject: **PLEASE HELP ** 4584E : in DSMSERV RESTORE
> DB:
> Hi everybody.
> Thank you, Richard who tried to help us.
> Here is the problem:
> TSM3.7.4
> FULL DB-BACKUP on tapes 8MM AIT2.
> We have some tapes with DBBACKUP on them.
> We try DSMSERV RESTORE DB on them
> This falls on every TAPE !
> The Library starts to work.
> 1)It choose the tape.
> 2)BEFORE the tape is INSIDE we get 8337:Recovery log
> ....
> 3) The Tape is inside.
> 4) 4638I REstore Backup Series 129
> 5) 4583E Imcomplete volume list error.
> 6) The recovery stops.
> 7) The tape is ejected
> I think that the 2) is not normally.
> ? Has someone an idea.  ?
> Thank you very much!
> Michel DAVID
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