Hi Wouter !
 Maybe I am not the best specialist to answer you but.
We decide not to work the scheduler but with the SCRIPTS of the TSM ADMINISTRATOR. 
They have powerfull enough function to run Backup and DB-Backup regular operations. We 
didn't see any problem with the Service 'Server1' that can wake up.
If you need it I develop a set of usefull batches to test the LIBRARY and Report about 
Michel David.
  Wouter V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello,

We just introduced TSM in our environment. We are now backuping up
1 unix server and 12 Windows clients (Windows 2000 Server, SP2).

We are using TSM Server on a Unix server (S7A) and use
TSM Client on all the windows clients.
We use a 3583 Ultrium Tape Lib, with 2 drives.

Problem 1 :

Unfortunately we have problems with the TSM Client on 3 of our Windows

- 1 machine fails to start the TSM Scheduler service during boottime,
if we start it manually, it runs, but crashes several times during backup.
(we do an "autorestart", if the service fails)

- the other 2 machines always start the backup, but the client (tsm
scheduler) crashes after a certain time,
are amount of files. There is not really a fixed point where the service
crashes. If backup
is launched from the scheduler, dsmsvc.exe crashes, if we start the backup
manually with dsmc incr,
dmsc.exe crashes.

Does anybody know what the fastest way is to solve this ?

Problem 2 :

- During migration from disk to tape, I can see (on the display) that the 2
tapedrives are not constantly writing data to
tape, it's always writing for a short period of time, waiting for a longer
period, writing, and so on ...
Is this normal ? Is there anything I can check or do ? Shouldn't the
tapestreamers really stream data from disk ?
I know our situation is not ideal (the whole diskpool is on 1 disk), but
it is on another scsi-bus than the tapestreamers.

Thank you very much in advance (sorry for all my questions, but this is just
my second TSM installation),

Wouter Verschaeve,
Unix System Engineer.

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