
I suggest this query, but it will be very long running.

First in dsmadmc do 'q co * active * t=b'.  Record the names of the management
classes that have the retextra or retonly values you are interested in.

Then submit this query -

select * from backups where class_name in ('mg1', 'mg2', ....)
where mg1, mg2 etc are the names you got from the query copygroup.

For archives do 'q co * active * t=a' and select * from archives ...

Hope this helps,

Bill Colwell
C. S. Draper Lab
Cambridge Ma.

At 05:01 PM 1/29/2002 +0800, you wrote:
>The query below is giving me the data about the management classes defined
>in the domains with a retention over 5 yrs. This information is right. But
>it need not necessarily mean that if an MC is defined in a domain its being
>used by a node.
>I think i am confusing people here. I shall try to put it in simple terms
>1. I have 150 clients, say 50 NT Client, 50 UNIX Clients and 50 VMS Clients
>2. I have been doing archives and backups on these clients.
>3. There are 3 domains namely NT_DOMAIN, UNIX_DOMAIN and VMS_DOMAIN. All the
>50 NT clients
>   are defined in NT_DOMAIN, 50 Unix clients in UNIX_DOMAIN and 50 VMS
>Clients in VMS_DOMAIN.
>4. Each of the 3 active policy domains mentioned above has multiple
>management classes in addition to the
>   DEFAULT_MC. Each of these active policy domains has MCs with retentions
>like 1yr, 2yr, 3yr and 5yrs while
>   the DEFAULT_MC has a retention period of 180 days.
>5. Many of the NT, UNIX, and VMS clients backup/archive data. For example a
>UNIX node might backup the
>   data using DEFAULT_MC (180 days retention) and the same node for some
>filesystems might apply a
>   retention period of 5yrs (this is done using include/exclude).
>Now coming to my question
>How do i find out which are the nodes in NT, VMS and UNIX domains that have
>actually data backed up using management class using retention of 5yrs.
>The query given below (by seay) is looking at the policy domains to
>determine this. But some times there might be a situation where a 5yr MC
>might be defined in the policy domain but it might not be used by some
>I would appreciate your help in answering this.
>Thanks again
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Seay, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 3:12 PM
>Subject: Re: Querying Client's Management Class
>select node_name, domain_name from nodes where domain_name in (select
>domain_name from bu_copygroups where integer(retextra) >365*4 and retextra
><>'NOLIMIT' or retextra = 'NOLIMIT' or integer(verexists) >365*4 and
>verexists <>'NOLIMIT')
>This looks at all the management classes in a domain and plays some games.
>You need to verify that it works correctly.  What it does is selects the
>domains with management classes that meet the criteria and matches against
>the node definitions to give you a list.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: mobeenm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 1:14 AM
>Subject: Re: Querying Client's Management Class
>I would like to know the nodes using a particular management class. I have
>about 150 clients belonging to NT_DOMAIN, UNIX_DOMAIN and VMS_DOMAIN. Now i
>would like to know which of these clients is backing up data with a
>retention of more than say 4yrs? Is there any way to do this.
>A dumb way to do this is probably go to each client node and check its
>include/exclude/dsm.sys to find out the retention. But what i would like to
>do is, run a query to find out all the filespaces on a node that have a
>retention of greater than 4yrs and i would like to do this to all the nodes
>in the 3 domains mentioned above.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Seay, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 10:47 AM
>Subject: Re: Querying Client's Management Class
>You realize that a management class is part of policy set and that you can
>set which management class is the default management class.
>So, what is your real question, do you want to know which is the default
>management class for each node or every management class in the active
>policy set for the domain.  Do you want the active policy set or every
>policy set?
>I will not say this can be done, but your question is not clear enough.
>Unfortunately, it does not appear that inner join is supported.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: mobeenm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 8:21 PM
>Subject: Querying Client's Management Class
>Hello TSMers,
>I want to find out all the clients registered on my TSM for their management
>classes. Is there a query that i can do? Appreciate your response.

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