
The tape status is full.  Once a tape is full it will not be written to
again until it is reclaimed.  The value of 30.4% represents the amount of
data on the tape that has not been expired in accordance with the policies
that you have set through the management classes in which you ran your

If you were to set the reclamation threshold for the storage pool in which
the tape belongs to a value higher than 30, this tape would be reclaimed.
That is the valid data on the tape would be added to another tape in the
same storage pool and the tape would return to scratch/empty and available
for reuse.

I would recommend you start with a reclamation threshold of 40.  If you are
comfortable with that you can make it 50.  Anything higher than 50 is not
often recommended.

The values from a q vol can be a little confusing at first.  The concepts
are well laid out in the TSM administrators reference manual.

Hope this helps
-----Original Message-----
From: Nazir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:08 PM
Subject: TSM


TSM is telling that tape 4 is full but it has only 30,4% of the tape full.
Why is it happening??
What should i do to solve it?

Volume Name               Storage      Device      Estimated    Pct   Volume
                          Pool Name    Class Name   Capacity   Util   Status
------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  -----  -------
E:\TSMDATA\SERVER1\HD1.   HD           DISK          1.000,0   80,6  On-Line
tape1                     8MMPOOL      8MMCLASS1    51.200,0   74,1  Filling
tape2                     8MMPOOL      8MMCLASS1    51.200,0   22,8  Filling
tape3                     8MMPOOL      8MMCLASS1    51.200,0   17,5  Filling
tape4                     8MMPOOL      8MMCLASS1    44.850,6   30,4    Full

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