First off I am brand new to this forum (1 week). I have found there are some
very helpful individuals out there and I am sure your help is greatly
appreciated by the ones asking questions. I did not receive the "spam" that
has been in question. I do not feel that an occasional inquiry to the forum
is unacceptable. I would think that actually it would be desirable, it never
hurts to see what else is out there.

Best of regards,
James W. Brents Jr.
Technical Specialist - TSM Administrator
Valero Energy Corporation
San Antonio, TX

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: Who else got 'Job Spam'?

=> [ lots of folks said ]

> "Tina" bad. Bad Tina.

It was clearly a form letter, but mail sent to ADSM-L subscribers probing
interest in TSM contracting is hardly indiscriminate spam.  If she did even
little evaluation of who to send to, who not...  well, those who yelled at
are then dead-wrong, in addition to being rude.

When I spoked to Tina, I teased her (politely) about trying to make the form
letter seem personal.  She was very concerned about the impact of her
questions, and wanted to reach likely folks without irritating anyone.

I told her to talk to the listmaster: some lists are open to occasional,
low-key openings notifications, some lists are rabidly against it.  Clearly
our readership is too prickly for even a relatively careful, thoughtful,
polite probe.

So I leave you with two questions:

1) Why are backup admins testy this way?  Is this an overflow of the
   paranoia which is our stock-in-trade?

2) If a polite (if somewhat sycophantic) initial contact makes us mad, what
   kind of contact would be welcome?

- Allen S. Rout

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